Sunday 24 June 2012

Rock of Ages: The movie - The review

A disclaimer for Adam Shankman's new movie should say 'Very loosely based on the stage show.'
Fans (such as i) may be disappointed by how much has been left out and changed; Tom Cruise's seasoned rocker annoys at times (his part changed), the surprise relationship between two characters is alluded to in the first act, so no surprise; Russell Brand's Midlands accent is woeful, there's too much emphasis on an unfunny monkey, and no Fogmaster 5000 (which pre-empts a terrific musical number), No Oh Sherry or Heat of the moment either!
Bryan Cranston is wasted as a kinky VIP; Catherine Zeta Jones is tiresome as his wife, especially when singing to a poster!
The dynamics of the stage show are all gone and it plods when it should sprint.

On the plus side Julianne Hough and Malin Akerman are smoking and there are a few flashes of brilliance here and there.

Watch the stage show and see how it should have been done instead of this wasted opportunity.

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